
The theme for this 2nd Sunday Creative worship is Faith.

On this page you will find an opportunity to chat, to look up some readings and to 'read' your environment. There is also a craft activity.

Chat Window

This window will hold a video chat discussion. Please log on at 7pm UK time.

The pass-code is 9820 if required

We will also be meeting at the Burns Mausoleum in Dumfries from 6.45 pm. There is a restriction on the number of people who can meet outdoors at this time, in order to help reduce the spread of Covid-19. This is currently a maximum of 15 people from 4 households. When there are more than this at the first location our group will split and 3 households will go to a secondary location, while two remain. We will also keep a list of who is there to assist NHS Scotland with Test and Protect.

If you are suffering any symptoms, please stay at home and join us Online.

Read some texts

Craft Activity

Old Testament

Genesis 37: 1-4, 12-28

New Testament

Romans 10


Mathew 14: 22 to 33

Psalm 105

Guide to Reading Creation

Draw together a green man.

Look around you.

Look around you ...

... Look, around you.

Take some time to find leaves, branches all the things scattered around you. Then draw them together to make a face. Wonder and chat while you are doing this.

Is your environment your friend or an enemy to be dominated? Do you see the face of God in the waters, or feel the Holy Spirit in the wind?

The theme of Faith has been chosen for this week.

What was it that kept Joseph going, even when his fancy coat was stripped from him. Or the next time it went wrong, or the time after that?

You show your commitment to a code of laws by living according to their rule. If you have faith in a person how do you show it? By living in hope of their promises - or fearing their wrath if you disappoint them? Or with Jesus in particular is it more about learning to sense your connection with him in the present moment and living the reality step after step.

It might be easy to forget that whilst the disciples recognised Jesus as the son of God during this incident, Peter walked on water too. God is Awesome, what does this mean for us?

To what extent is faith a gift, given not learned. To what extent can faith be learned and found?

Find something uncomfortable. Something you would usually avoid.

Spend a while with it.

Does it or its presence challenge you?

What is it's meaning in the scheme of things?

Is your aversion to it due to what it symbolises, or reminds you of?

Could you love it?

Theories and Interpretation

"although usually considered a pagan phenomenon that was co-opted or “allowed” by the Church, most of the Green Man traditions we observe today actually post-date the conversion to Christianity, and so appear to have occurred in a nominally Christian context."

Have you been inspired by what you have discovered through this page?

Please get in touch

Let us know!


all content and images © Wordsmithcrafts - last update 6-aug-20