Theology of Creation

A short course in the run up to Christmas. Watch it online, with some questions to help you reflect on the content. The latest in the series of online short courses provided by the Scottish Episcopal Institute will take place throughout Advent, looking at Creation Theology. The course, led by the Very Rev Stephen Holmes,… Continue reading Theology of Creation

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Re:Making Space

Blurring the boundaries between creating an immersive experience of the past and actively making the present a better place to be, how about trying out some historical clothing designs on modern materials? Taking the experience of a time when the centre of clothing production was the household, combining it with overproduction of consumable goods which… Continue reading Re:Making Space

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Wordsmith Crafts Shop

Things, Designs, and an Etsy shop A new venture! We’ve taken the designs by Simon Lidwell and made them available to print on demand (POD) by Teemill. We have picked them because they seem to take care of the environment seriously – please let us know how your experience goes! The products are made available… Continue reading Wordsmith Crafts Shop

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New Site

Wordsmith Crafts Main page is being upgraded. There will be glitches, but it is long overdue!

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