Old Scots – New Scots

A grant from the New Scots Activity fund made it possible for us to arrange a day where new scots could travel back in time and meet the Viking era inhabitants of Scotland. We arranged transport and language support to help them make the most of this experience. Volunteers from “Galloway Longfhada Vikings” provided characters… Continue reading Old Scots – New Scots

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Viking Era Life

Some links to help communicate When the New Scots visit the hall they will be able to walk around living museum, complete with sheep! Galloway Longfhada members will be wearing the clothes from 1000 years ago, and using replica tools to do everyday tasks. عندما يزور الاسكتلنديون الجدد القاعة، سيتمكنون من التجول في المتحف الحي،… Continue reading Viking Era Life

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Heritage Day

New Scots Heritage Fun Day Minibus times leave MOOL 9.30am get to Heathhall 10am return to MOOL leaves at 12.00 leave Mercure 12.30 am get to Heathhall 13.00 return to Mercure leaves at 15.00 Or find your own transport to: Heathhall Community Centre, Barnett Road, Heathhall, Dumfries and Galloway DG1 3RU День розваг, присвячений спадщині Шотландії, для… Continue reading Heritage Day

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