Welcome to Tech Nemed.

This is the online presence of a household whose members all live too far away from each other for them to get together and feast like they use to. The household was formed around a common interest in Celtic hospitality, storytelling and spirituality.

That was over a decade ago now and you can never stand in the same river twice. Some things never change though, and hopefully this website will grow.


Active Project!

Cyber culdee What if the internet were a wilderness, such as the medieval forests or the sea? would you cast yourself adrift in it and see where God led you?

Recently I've been producing images to help with the mothering Sunday and Good friday services at my home church.


This just has some info on the archaeology of runes at the moment, more soon including:


These are ideas the houshold is working on at the moment, or will do when I have the time and the resources.


In December I ran a celebration of creativity event with St John's church in Dumfries. To find out more about it and see the programme for the evening you can visit this page!

Faith and Art - You can read about the Faith and Art Project in St Johns Episcopal Church Magazene here.

Smithy - Opening soon! I have a portable forge that I tour Europe with, this section will eventually contain a guide to using it.

Cathbads Craft Lore - Information sheets, project ideas, portfolio of what the household has produced

Medieval Experiences - Visit the physical Tech Nemed and experience a taste of what life was like a thousand years ago

Labyrinth - A maze you cannot get lost in! Instead it's a method for centering yourself and a tool for engaging with God

Simon Lidwell is the household head. you can find out more about him by visiting the main wordsmithcrafts website.

A good picture of Him and Kate ready for battle at the mega hastings in 2006 is here