#SensingSpirituality (Twitter feed @CyberCuldee)

Exploring spiritual development with community arts, RO/Time for Reflection in Schools, and #SensingSpirituality

The twitter feed is a log of incidents of Sensing Spirituality. For example - seeing in someone in need could be described as #SensingChallenge and recognising the desire to help. When you think about how you will help you may be #SensingValues.

Looking at a sunset, or enjoying an uncommonly good day with friends you may be #SensingAwareness of being part of something bigger which makes you whole.

Recognising the feeling of #SensingOtherness is recognising that humans are more than just the physical five senses, but #SensingMystery usually quickly follows if you try to think about the metaphysics which underlies experiences like Love, Beauty or even a sense of self.

Learning #SensingMeaningfulness would be part of the skill set you'd need to link the many experiences which make us human with the practical day to day needs of getting (home)work done, cooking tea and getting along with the people around you.

The @CyberCuldee twitter feed records moments of awareness of one of these sensings. It uses hastags (#) to make it easier to search for them. The plan is to make what is normally invisible - visible, and to provide an artistic record of spiritual sensation. Please use the #SensingSpirituality and other hashtags to join in on this project!

It's on Twitter and Facebook at the moment, but please use the tags where you think they will help. There are many more words than these seven tags to describe what you sense, but if you include one of them as well it will make it easier for us to find each other. Any questions? e-mail quartz@wordsmithcrafts.co.uk


all content and images © Wordsmithcrafts - last update 9-nov-15