Simon Lidwell

People come to the Wordsmithcrafts workshop from time to time in an informal basis. The workspace allows them to take on projects that they cannot (conveniently) do on their kitchen table, and there is convenient access to a stock of materials and tools. Simon has also been building up a knowledge base of techniques and network of contacts in the world of traditional crafts. Part of the motivation behind the McNab project was to make this formally available to young people would would appreciate the opportunity. Another motivation was the realization that the Spiritual Development (RO) component of the Scottish curriculum for excellence could provide a positive and inclusive way to encourage the development of spiritual literacy in a community setting. Working with St Johns Dumfries and funding from the McNab trust the summer project was born.


This is a pre-project blog of Simons trip to Bukkøy, taking time to explore the possible use of #SensingSpirituality



A pdf copy of the project report can be downloaded here

Back to the McNab project page

all content and images © Wordsmithcrafts - last update 11-apr-20